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OutChina brings you the diverse stories of China's LGBTQ community. With an estimated 70 million LGBTQ population, China is yet one of the most conservative countries towards non-cis/straight people. This project aims to increase visibility of this largely invisible community. The greatest gift we can give each other is recognition and empathy.
OutChina中国LGBTQ的影像合集。 通过多元的个人故事,我们希望提高中国LGBTQ社群的能见度,让更多人了解我们的存在。
Anchor 1
Introduction to China's LGBT in 4 Minutes
![]() 在我的成长过程中,我小心翼翼地将我的心隐藏了起来。私底下,我偷穿妈妈衣服的鞋子,在游戏中也永远扮演女性角色。而在别人面前,我一直都是一个符合传统刻板印象的男孩子。 I carefully hid myself as I grew up. I secretly put on my mom’s clothes and shoes, and I always played female roles in video games. But when I was in front of others, I was always the stereotypical kind of boy. | ![]() Michelle是来自四川的律师,Pat出生在美国硅谷,她们在成都举行了一个公开的同性恋婚礼,为了让朋友和同事接受她们,也为了让更多人了解认识LGBTQ群体。在跨种族和文化的恋爱中,她们的父母、外婆也都完全接受了她们。 Michelle is a lawyer from Sichuan, China. Pat was born and raised in San Jose, California. They had China's first high-profile lesbian wedding in Chengdu, Sichuan. They talked about their coming out experiences, love stories, and how they used their wedding ceremony as social activism. | ![]() 我爸妈觉得我从来没有谈过恋爱。我们从来不讨论感情问题,因为我有个秘密:我喜欢女生。虽然我很想让我的家人更了解我,但是这个秘密一直阻止我的坦白。所以我给他们写了一封信。 My parents think I have never fallen in love. We don't talk about relationships, because I have a secret: I like girls. As much as I want my family to know me better, the fear stops me from revealing the truth. So I wrote a letter to my parents. |
![]() Joshua和Weihao一位来自台湾,一位来自成都,却在美国找到了彼此。Joshua和Weihao越过海峡,也越过出柜的障碍,勇敢面对真实的性向,并最终结为夫夫。 Here is a love story of two boys, one from Taiwan, the other from Sichuan. They fell in love in the city of Angels, over a plate of Taiwanese dumpling. | ![]() 18岁第一次喜欢女生的时候,我甚至不敢说“同性恋”这个词。中国的教育体制把我规训的很乖,而女同性恋这个身份让我能够打破传统的单一思维。 I didn't even dare to say the world "gay" when I first fell in love with a girl at 18. Chinese education system has tamed me to think in a singular way. Being a lesbian gave me a chance to challenge the hegemonic thinking. | ![]() 中国体制的压制可以让我们更有创造力。我们没有权利在街上游行,但很可能我们并不真正需要它。 The oppression in China stimulates our creativity. We don't have the right to parade. But perhaps we don't really need it. |
![]() 和心爱的她,骑马喝酒,登高旅行,描摹自然,狗狗双全,虽有争吵,不断沟通,守望相助,相恋四季……平凡、真实、美好,这是来自洛杉矶的Angela & Kayleigh,令人羡慕的生活标签,这是她们的爱情故事,也希望是我们、你们的。 Angela comes from Los Angeles and Kayleigh is from Kunming Yunnan. The two girls met in the city of Angeles and fell in love. | ![]() 我成为山西省第一批的艾滋病快检员,就给我身边一群好“姐妹”做了检查。结果是,阳了,又阳了。 I became one of the first fast testers of HIV in Shanxi Province, so I tested my friends. The results were, Positive. Positive. | ![]() 我在大学的时候,写了一篇关于性的论文,被老师推广。从那时候开始就开始做性相关的教育和推广。当时不懂什么同志运动,只是找到了一群志同道合的朋友,完成了对自我的认同。 When I was in university, I wrote an essay on sexuality, and my professor promoted it. From then on, I started to do sex education. I didn't really know about LGBT revolution. But by being with friends who share the same values, I fulfilled my self-identification. |
![]() 我是来自马来西亚的华人,目前是洛杉矶同志中心的全职员工。我当时没有和爸妈出柜,因为我觉得我身在美国,而他们在马来西亚。我回去就像丢给他们一个包袱,却没办法保护他们。 I am a Malaysian Chinese, and I'm currently a staff at Los Angeles LGBT Center. I didn't come out to my parents because I'm living in the U.S. while they were in Malaysia. If I just went back and came out to them, it felt like I threw them some burden without protecting them. | ![]() 作为一个双性恋,我遭到了社群里的一些歧视。所以,在杭州我想创建一个多元的空间,让大家 都可以表达自己。 As a bisexual, I've suffered some discrimination from within the community. So I wanted to create a diverse space in Hangzhou where everyone can express themselves. | ![]() 我是2014年世界同志运动会上唯一的中国参赛者。 I was the only Chinese player in the Gay Games 2014. |
![]() 同性婚姻,怎么都需要十来年吧,就看有多少个人肯投入这里,多少组织肯投入那里了。 The legalization of same-sex marriage in China needs at least ten years. It depends on how many individuals and organizations are willing to devote into the cause. | ![]() 我三年前第一次参加上海骄傲节,在那次的骄傲跑上我认识了Charlene,我们去年在夏威夷结婚了。 I participated ShanghaiPRIDE three years ago, and met Charlene in the Pride Run. We got married in Hawaii last year. |
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